My Followers’ Favorite Quotes

Quotes have long been a source of relief, comfort, and inspiration during tough times like break ups. I think quotes can capture feelings we don’t know how to put into words, they can give us validation, they can get us through the day, and can help us take a step forward when we feel like we’re drowning.

I’ve been posting break up quotes on my account since 2017 and as my account has grown I decided to reach out to my followers and ask them for their favorite break up quotes. These may be on the background of someone’s phone, on a post-in on someone’s mirror, written down in a notebook, or just continuously referenced on Pinterest. When I asked that question of my followers for favorite quotes, the response I got was incredible. Thousands submitted their favorite quotes and I narrowed down the list into a blog post so we can all find new sources of inspiration.

A couple notes, you’ll notice these don’t have original sources. At this point in time it can be so hard to track down original authors of quotes so instead of spending weeks researching these quotes I just decided to give them to you in their original form. These also aren’t my quotes, so you may see a quote on here you disagree with, there are some quotes that are more religious in nature. You do not have to agree with every quotes, take what you want and leave the rest.


"Everything is going to work out better than you imagined."

"If I am a lot, go find less."

"The person you're becoming, choose her over everything."

"Pause when agitated."

"If it's meant for me, bring me closer. If it's not take it away."

"Even at their best- he still wouldn't have been the best person for you."

"Let go of the illusion that it could've been different."

"I am enough. I am strong. I am powerful. I am safe. I am okay. I take take of myself."

"Replace all fear with the faith that things will work out for the best."

"Emotions change."

"Your chapter in my book is over and I can't keep rereading it."

"Pain is inevitable but suffering is a choice."

"It's a break up because it's broken"

"This too shall pass"

"Everything happens for our greater good."

"Life happens for me, not to me."

"Never underestimate what you bring to the table."

"You're allowed to feel your feelings."

"Don't get caught up on what could have been. If it was meant to, it would have."

"She believed she could, so she did."

"Every storm runs out of rain."

"This too shall pass, it might pass like a kidney stone but it shall pass."

"You'll find yourself."

"It is what it is."

"If they wanted to, they would."

"You can miss them but not want them back."

"They are coping the best they can and that has nothing to do with you or the relationship."

"Be your own best friend."

"Everything happens for a reason, trust the process."

"You are not going to feel this way forever."

"Either you step forward into growth or you step back into safety."

"Is choosing them, choosing me?"

"Why fight for someone who was okay losing you?"

"How someone treats you is a reflection of them, not you."

"One day at a time."

"You're going to figure it out, just like you always have."

"Let it be."

"Remember that sometimes not getting what you want is a wonderful stroke of luck."

"You have not met all of the people who are going to love you."

"What's meant for you will never pass you by."

"Freedom is not wishing you well or wishing you ill, it's wishing myself well and moving on."

"I will not stay in a situation that hurts me."

"What if I fail? Oh but darling, what if you fly?"

"Trust what is unfolding in front of you."

"You have to start choosing yourself."

"Never give up because great things take time."

"Even at your lowest, you are deserving of self love."

"The best way out is through."

"You deserve to be loved and chosen, not almost loved or almost chosen."

"Sometimes what didn't work out for you really worked out for you."

"One day you'll look back and find you were growing in ways you couldn't see at the time."

"I did the best I could with who I was at the time."

"You don't know what you don't know."

"You get what you allow."

"Remember that the break up happened for a reason."

"No feeling is final. Just let is pass through lips and fingertips."

"Accept what it is, let go of what was, have faith in what will be."

"God's will, not mine."

"A calm sea never made a skilled sailor."

"You can be the whole package at the wrong address."

"Actions speak louder than words."

"Once you let go of the idea of somebody, letting go of the actual person is easy."

"Stay strong, it will get better."

"Rejection is redirection."

"I am not a failure, I am loved and deserve love."

"It will hurt like hell at first but it won't last forever."

"You and you alone can be everything you need."

"You dodged a bullet."

"What's meant for me will never miss me, and that what misses me wasn't meant for me."

"Healing doesn't come from focusing on them, it comes from focusing on yourself."

"Rejection is God's protection."

"You've done enough watering, it's time to be the garden for once."

"Focus on you."

"Nostalgia makes you believe things were better than they actually were."

"When I find the right one it will be so much better than it was with them."

"Don't rely on others to be things for you, be your own everything."

"You're about to meet the reason why you didn't settle."

"Stop choosing what isn't choosing you."

"Sometimes being alone is an upgrade."

"Not all changes feel positive in the beginning."

"If their absence brings you peace, you didn't lose them."

"You were never asking for too much, you were asking the wrong person."

"You're too good for someone who is not sure about you."

"Don't hold on to things that require a tight grip."

"I am mine before I am anyone else's."

"You can only meet people as deep as they meet themselves."

"You stop being attracted to certain types of people when you heal the parts of you that needed them."

"Letting people lose you instead of trying to convince them of your worth hits different."

"What if everything turns out for the best?"

"You can simultaneously love someone and realize they are not the right person for you."

"Yes the future's scary but you can't keep running back to the past just because it's comfortable."

"God only gives pain to those he knows can handle it."

"Just keep breathing."

"Life is like riding a bicycle, to keep balance you must keep moving."

"What's for you, won't go by you."

"Nothing good comes easy but nothing good gets away."

"He is not the sun, you are."

"Trust the process."

"Not my monkey, not my circus."

"Nothing changes if nothing changes."

"Some decisions will break your heart but give peace to your soul."

"The past is done, the present is in my control, and the future will be ok."

"The longer you entertain what's not for you, the longer you postpone what is."

"They are not your responsibility anymore."

"Even Monica had to go through Richard to find her Chandler."

"You'll be able to appreciate the good things only if you went through the bad things."

"Remember who you are."

"You hurt yourself every time you try to convince them of your worth."

"You can't change someone who doesn't see a problem with their actions."

"You repeat what you don't repair."

"I'm more me than I've ever been!"

"I don't chase, I attract. What is mine will find me."

"You were someone before them."

"I was single and happy once, I will be single and happy again soon."

"What hurt you can't heal you."

"Everything happens for a reason."

"Unexpected good things happen too!"

"It's ok if you're in a dark place, just don't pitch a tent and stay there."

"You weren't asking for too much."

"No one is you and that's your superpower."

"You know in your heart you deserve better, don't ignore that."

"You'll keep meeting the same person in different bodies until you learn the lesson."