Heal Your Break Up: Course Bundle

Break ups are one of the toughest things we go through, but you don’t have to do it alone.

Most of the time we feel lost on how to heal our hearts and be happy again. This course provides a step by step roadmap on how to go from crying in the fetal position on the floor to feeling happy and free from our ex. 

In this course we go over EVERYTHING to get over your ex through the following four modules that have 24 video lessons to go along with it and a 40+ page workbook. This is my entire course library all in one!

Section 1: Break Up Emergency First Aid Kit: The sole focus of this part is to work on getting you to a place where you can still function in your day to day life. Going to work, seeing friends, keeping up commitments, etc. It’s hard to do any healing or really anything in general if we feel like we can’t function because of the pain. 

We’ll go over: 

  • How to build up your support system to help you feel loved and supported 

  • How to stay busy so you’re able to keep yourself distracted from the constant pain and obsessive thoughts about your ex 

  • How to optimize your life and surroundings so you aren’t constantly triggered by thoughts about the break up

  • How to focus on the things that are positive in your life 

  • How to navigate the intense emotional rollercoaster that a break up brings 

  • Why crying is so important and how to look at it as a good thing

  • How to practice self love and self care in a time you need it the most 

Section 2: Detox Your Ex: in this section we’ll go over how to detox your ex from your life so you can start learning how to live happily without them. We’ll chip away at the things in your life that are keeping you connected to them so you can start decreasing the thoughts about them and how much you miss your ex. 

We’ll go over: 

  • Why detoxing your ex is so important so you can give your heart a chance to heal 

  • The Detox Checklist where I’ll take you step by step through each thing to cut your ex out of your immediate environment

  • The No Contact Rule, why it’s important, how to do it, and you’ll create your own No Contact Contract 

  • How to set boundaries with those in your life that are making the break up harder on you so you can protect your heart and energy 

  • How to go from feeling powerless to empowered 

  • What to do if you backtrack and contact your ex 

Section 3: Breakthrough Your Break Up- this is where we’ll get into processing all of the tough feelings that come with a break up. The goal of this section is to get you to a place where you feel at peace about the relationship ending and we’ll pull the covers on your feelings of anger, resentments, and we’ll identify relationship patterns you’ve fallen into. 

We’ll go over: 

  • The importance of getting all of your feelings out about the relationship 

  • Giving you the time and space to write and vent about the relationship 

  • Pattern recognition so you can learn from past mistakes moving forward 

  • Why anger is so important in a break up 

  • How you can turn anger into something productive 

  • Forgiveness of yourself and your ex 

Section 4: Moving on After Heartbreak - moving on after a break up can seem super scary to do. You don’t want to get hurt again and you are scared you won’t find someone as good as your ex. In this section we’ll dive into how you can take all the lessons from this course and your relationship and get you prepared and feeling safe to move on in your life. 

We’ll go over: 

  • Saying goodbye to your ex and past relationships so you have space for someone new 

  • Manifesting your dream partner 

  • How to attract a partner based on your needs 

  • Building up your self esteem so you feel worthy moving forward 

  • Making a Non Negotiable Contract 

  • How to show up for yourself moving forward and in future relationships 


Get ALL of this for only $197 or 3 monthly payments of $66.

What is your emotional well-being worth to you?? I know you’re likely already spending money trying to heal your heart- whether it’s with ice cream, shopping, or going out with friends- wouldn’t it make sense to invest in something that will bring REAL healing instead of a temporary distraction from the break up?