Are you ready to stop obsessing and let go of your ex?
Detox Your Ex Course
One of the hardest parts of a break up is to let go of our partner and best friend, but it’s necessary.
I know all you want to do after a break up is continue talking to your ex. They were likely your best friend and the person you talked to every single day. Unfortunately, in order to let go of someone you can’t keep acting like you’re in a relationship with them. That’s why No Contact works so well. You’re also dealing with the obsessive thoughts about your ex that feel like they take over. Don’t worry, I have a solution for you.
I created the Detox Your Ex Course because I have found that the hardest thing my clients struggle with is getting rid of the obsessive thoughts about their ex and not reaching out to them even though they know it hurts to do it. This course provides all of the tools and accountability to start letting go of your ex so you and your heart have the space to actually heal and move on.
Does this sound like you?
💔 Thoughts of your ex completely take over and it’s hard to focus on anything else
💔 All you want to do it text or call your ex, or every time you look at your phone you’re hoping to see their name
💔 You find yourself playing “investigator” on social media trying to see what your ex is up to
💔You don’t feel like you can let go because all of your energy is going towards your ex
💔You know you shouldn’t be talking to your ex but you can’t help it
If you answered yes to these questions, this course is for YOU. The Detox Your Ex Course will not only walk you through how to start letting go of your ex but will make sure that you have all of the support you need to do it.
Not only is going through a break up extremely painful, but having to let go of someone you spent every day with can sometimes feel impossible. But I promise you it’s not. I can also assure you that once you take this course and follow the advice you will feel a sense of peace, relief, and freedom from your ex you didn’t know was possible.
No longer will you feel like you can’t control your obsessive thoughts, obsessively checking their social media, or calling them every time you have an urge. In this course you’ll learn how to maintain your power, take care of your heart, and let go in a way that serves you.
In this mini course I will walk you through:
Why It's SO Important to Detox
The Detox Your Ex Checklist
The No Contact Rule and why it's so key
No Contact Contract
Setting Boundaries to Protect Your Heart
Maintaining Your Power
What to do if you coparent with your ex
and more!
When you purchase Detox Your Ex you’ll instantly get:
8 video lessons taught by me
A digital workbook full of exercises, support and accountability tools
My 90 Day Digital Break Up Journal to help you start and end each day with support.
Get ALL of this for only $49!
What is your emotional well-being and peace of mind worth to you?? I know you’re likely already spending money trying to heal your heart- whether it’s with ice cream, shopping, or going out with friends- wouldn’t it make sense to invest in something that will bring REAL healing instead of a temporary distraction from the break up?