Single Bucket List Ideas

There are so many tough parts of a break up, but one thing that I don’t think is talked about enough is losing the idea of what your future was going to look like. When you’re in a long-term relationship you start planning your life together- the trips you’re going to take, the place you’re going to move, the hobbies you’re going to try together. Then all of a sudden after the break up it feels like not only did you lose a partner but it can also feel like your future was ripped away too.

I try to always remind people that even though it can feel like the future has been ripped away, that isn’t the case at all. The future has changed but it hasn’t been taken away. It’s something that you can take control over again and plan a future that you can get excited about. It’s so important to have things to look forward to, so that’s where my idea of the “Single Bucket List” came from. We’ve all heard of bucket lists but this is one that you complete during your time healing from the break up. By doing this you’re giving yourself things to look forward to and you’re reminding yourself that you can have a very fun, full, and exciting life without a partner.

I asked my Instagram followers what’s on their Single Bucket List and there were so many great ideas I wanted to share them here.

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Summit a mountain, go to a natural hot spring, ride in a glider plane.

Moving to an apartment on my own for the first time ever!

Hiking a 14er!

Go to Yosemite

Holiday with friends

Moving in for the first time alone and have my own space

I’ve booked a solo trip to New Zealand, subject to pandemic restrictions

Go on vacation to a spot I frequented with my ex


Beach trips alone, something about the solidarity at the beach is so peaceful

Finish my novel

Learning to skateboard

Read a book alone at the beach

Do some kind of workout

Finish the exciting online courses I purchased!

Join a pottery class and a singing class.

Go back to my plan of a year abroad that I had before I met my ex

Travel like I said I would, have dinner solo or with friends at the spots I “saved” for us

Learn how to roller skate

Explore my city alone, go for a fancy dinner with friends, join a local club/class

Take myself on a date to a restaurant I’ve always wanted to try

Learning a new language

Trying new fashion trends

Create a small business

Get a motorcycle, my ex never let me have one.

Go camping- something I’ve never done on my own before

A new tattoo

Make out with a stranger

Solo trip

Get back in the boxing class that I left behind when I was with him

I’m taking a solo trip to the Grand Canyon this weekend!

Get a new car

Camping trips

Traveling by myself on a weekend trip

Go to the movies by myself

Travel! He didn’t like going out as much as I did

Travel. Meet new people. Move to another city.

To comfortably work on my personal happiness within myself.

Go on a vacation and just let loose! Enjoy myself and just do whatever I want.

Focus on my studies. Make new friends. Go out more.

Run a 1/2 marathon!

Take a wood working class

Solo road trip

Go to the movies, eat lunch in a cafe, and go for a long walk all by myself to prove that I can

Going to Bermuda for vacation

Buying a car

Learn to play a new instrument

Get in the best shape of my life

Boudoir shoot for me and my confidence

Go on dates

Paint my bedroom

Go rock climbing

Star Wars marathon weekend

Travel with my Mom

I made an Iowa bucket list and decided to take it on without him!

Doing a hike in Washington

Create art again

Finish my yoga teacher training course

Daily beach time

Go back to school

Take myself on a pottery date

Watch the sunrise

Have more quality time with myself

Join a dance class

Get a new job

Travel to another country alone

Kiss a stranger

Find a good skin care routine

Decorate my new apartment

Do a white shark cage dive and bungie jump in New Zealand

Treat myself to a fancy dinner out alone

Tennis! I already signed up for classes

Stick to a gym plan

Start my own business
